Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Sexy Tattoo Design – Steaming Hot Locations For a Sexy Tattoo

So you determined that it is time to get your new (or first) tattoo. Before you do anything, you will want to determine where on your body to put that new sexy tattoo.
A hot tattoo on a woman is all about one important thing and this is location, location, location. Some woman prefer going about it the lengthy way by finding a tattoo and then deciding where to put it. This is not ideal.
You more than likely will end up with a tattoo your are not too proud of on a location you really are not fond of. I have seen my fair share of sexy tattoos on gals but I have also seen some nightmares inked on women all because they seemed to have rushed the process.
Here are the top 5 sexy locations for a women to get a tattoo.
Foot: If you have nice, soft feet, this could not be sexier. I would shy away from this area though if you have rough feet or toes you are not proud of. You want to show your tattoo off and if you have less than perfect feet, you will never want to show it off. The design must flow with your foot and not run against the grain as it were.
Ankle: If you talk to most guys, they will tell you an ankle tattoo is just plain sexy. We don’t know why but we just know they are! Since this is your ankle, the lines must be very smooth and tight to go with the flow of your ankle. Your skin is a quite a bit thinner at your ankle so you want to make sure to have an experienced tattoo artist tackle this project.

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